Join us on June 13 in Kiamesha Lake, New York (the site of the old Concord Resort), when a photo of Rabbi Gendler and Dr. King from March 1968 is installed on a plaque as part of the Borscht Belt Historical Marker Project! The mission of the project is to “interpret and designate places important to the Borscht Belt’s vibrant history and to consider its impact on American Jewish life, the legacy of the Catskills, New York State history, American culture and entertainment, and the ways in which the era’s rich history is enduringly present and woven into the very fiber of the region.”

The photo below was taken on March 25, 1968, 10 days before Dr. King was assassinated. Dr. King was the keynote speaker at the annual Rabbinical Assembly at the Concord Hotel. This photo was taken during the conversation led by Rabbi Gendler. Click here to read the transcript.