We were excited to be able to give the 2013 Gendler Grapevine Projects an extra gift this year. In addition to funding 10 unique projects all over the country, we designed and distributed 5000 water bottles to the campers and camp staff at the Gendler Grapevine Project sites.


Campers at URJ Camp Coleman show off their new Gendler Grapevine water bottles


We decided that we wanted to give the campers a gift they could take home to remind them of the project they experienced at camp this year. The reusable water bottles also allowed us to enable campers to see how a simple change such as using a water bottle can reduce their waste by not depending on disposable cups and water bottles. In addition, we wanted to give thought about where the bottles are made, what they were made of, and who was making them. We worked with Soapbox Promotions to find quality bottles that are BPA-free and made in the USA.


We hope that a simple act like carrying a water bottle can serve as another graperoots idea, showing that a small change for an individual can amount to a lot less pollution and waste for the planet.